Blood group O is considered to be the oldest and the most common of all blood types. The following article provides information about the dietary guidelines for individuals with O positive blood type, as recommended by Dr. Peter D’Adamo.
Human blood comprises red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), platelets, and plasma. The surface of an RBC has a variety of antigens, that play several roles in cellular communication. The ABO blood group system is based on a specific set of such antigens. It determines blood type on the basis of presence or absence of the A and/or B antigens.
The link between blood group and health has long been an area of interest for several researchers. Blood type diet was propounded by Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo in his book Eat Right For Your Type. Taking into consideration the evolutionary theories for blood groups, as well as other research surrounding blood groups and their association with overall health, he came up with dietary recommendations specific for each blood type. These diets also take into consideration the susceptibility to several diseases, and claim to reduce the associated risk.
Given below are the traits and characteristics of individuals with O positive blood type, as well as the food items that may prove beneficial or harmful for them, as per the observations and conclusions drawn by Dr. D’Adamo.
O Positive Blood Type
RBCs in O positive blood type do not have the carbohydrate antigens present in A, B and AB types, but do have the Rhesus antigen. In addition, the blood plasma has antibodies against antigens A and B. People with blood group O are believed to:
- Be physically strong
- Have trouble gaining weight
- Experience fatigue
- Be at risk for high blood pressure and cholesterol
- Experience ulcers due to high levels of stomach acid
- Suffer from digestive problems
- Have a strong (sometimes overactive) immune system
- Have an efficient metabolism
- Be intolerant to new dietary and environmental conditions
- Be prone to arthritis-like pain and inflammation
Diet for O Positive Blood Type
Blood group O is considered to be the oldest blood group, and can be traced back to Neanderthal ancestors who used to live on hunted meat and seafood. Hence, Dr. D’Adamo termed this group as ‘the hunter’. According to him, these individuals have a strong digestive system, and can easily digest animal protein. This is the reason why he suggests that meat and seafood be a major part of the diet. In addition, it is recommended that the intake of milk and dairy products must be extremely low, since regular consumption of dairy products by O positive individuals may lead to cardiac problems.
To summarize, a high-protein, low-fat, and low-dairy diet, along the lines of Paleolithic Diet, is ideal for individuals with blood group O.
Sample Meal Plans
Plan 1
- 1 poached egg
- 1 or 2 slices of spelt toast
- 1 glass lime water
Mid-morning Snack
- 1 glass cherry juice
- 4 oz. grilled chicken
- 2 slices of Essene bread
- 1 medium bowl salad made with tomato and lettuce (olive oil dressing)
Mid-afternoon Snack
- 2 – 3 figs
- 1 cup green tea
- 2 lean lamb chops
- 1 cup steamed kale
- 1 medium bowl salad made with cucumbers, bean sprouts and peas
Plan 2
- 1 small bowl quinoa cereal
- 1 or 2 slices of spelt toast
- 1 grapefruit
Mid-morning Snack
- 1 small bowl allowed berries
- 4 oz. baked salmon
- 2 slices of Ezekiel bread
- 1 medium bowl salad made with bean sprouts, chicory, celery (olive oil dressing)
Mid-afternoon Snack
- A few prunes
- 1 cup green tea
- 1 serving of baked halibut
- 1 cup steamed broccoli
- 1 medium bowl salad made from carrots, cucumber and lettuce
Foods List
The food items have been divided into three categories: ones that must be included in the diet; ones that are to be consumed in moderation (once or twice a week); and ones that are to be avoided completely since they may cause allergy.
Include | Eat Moderately | Avoid |
Include | Eat Moderately | Avoid |
Beans and Legumes
Consumption of beans makes the muscle tissue less acidic, and are therefore to be consumed moderately by individuals with blood type O.
Include | Eat Moderately | Avoid |
Meats should either be baked, broiled, or poached. Consumption should be limited to 6 ounces. Excessive consumption might cause hyperacidity.
Include | Eat Moderately | Avoid |
Cereals, Grains, and Pasta
Include | Eat Moderately | Avoid |
Oils and Fats
Include | Have Moderately | Avoid |
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds must be consumed raw. Salted and roasted nuts must be avoided.
Include | Eat Moderately | Avoid |
Include | Have Moderately | Avoid |
Include | Eat Moderately | Avoid |
According to Dr. D’Adamo, dairy products must be avoided, but the following items can be consumed moderately.
- All the claims made by Dr. D’Adamo are based on results and observations of other research groups. No clinical trials have been carried out to prove his theory of food tolerance based on blood groups.
- Although he claims that lectins in foods interact with the antigens present on RBCs and cause health problems, research done by independent biochemists show no such lectin-incompatibility.
- In one of his books on the same subject, Dr. D’Adamo claims that the Blood Type Diet has been beneficial for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. However, there is no scientific evidence for the same.
- Although it is true that blood type O is very common, there is no evidence that it represents an ancestral gene.
Quick Overview
- Meat and seafood must constitute a larger portion of the diet.
- Individuals with blood type O are prone to arthritis-like pain and inflammation. Thus, seafood like tilapia, halibut and cod can be very beneficial.
- Grains and dairy products are not digested well by people with blood type O positive. Whole grains must be consumed in moderate amount. Excessive consumption of bread made from corn, wheat, or gluten must be avoided.
- Instead of having three big meals, eat smaller portions 5 to 6 times a day.
- Avoid all refined carbohydrates and sugars
- Individuals who are trying to lose weight should avoid breads, nuts, beans, and legumes.
- Flaxseed oil and olive oil are the oils that suit this blood type. Corn oil, safflower oil, and peanut oil must be avoided.
- In beverages, seltzer water and green tea fit in this type of diet. Excessive consumption of black tea, coffee, wine, and beer must be avoided.
Merely changing your daily eating habits does not render the advantages of following any diet. Similarly, individuals following this diet must also indulge in a regular exercise routine. People with blood type O should exercise in the morning instead of evening. An hour of cardio, aerobics, jogging, cycling, swimming, or brisk-walking is beneficial for these individuals. The right diet and appropriate amount of exercise is the only alternative to achieve good health.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.