With the markets being flooded by over the counter appetite suppressants, picking the best is not an easy job. Check out the article below to find out more.
Are you tempted and confused by the dozens of over the counter appetite suppressants in the local drug store? Well, who would not want to lose weight quickly, if that actually happens! Since quite some time now the market is brimming with a number of these products, so it does not actually come as a surprise that those who are looking at shedding those extra kilos off are confused. To avoid that a good idea would be to do a bit of research on what kind of products there are in the market, which ones are the best products and brands in that range, the basic active ingredient, etc. Read the paragraphs below for more information.
The Modus Operandi
The appetite suppressants curb your feelings of hunger and promote a feeling of being full. This is done by controlling neurotransmitters in hypothalamus, serotonin, and catecholamine. As of now, phentermine and sibutramine are the most frequently prescribed appetite suppressants, though there are some more to add to the list. They are mazindole, diethylpropion, and phendimetrazine.
Apart from sibutramine, most of the suppressants are prescribed or even sold are advised to be consumed for short duration and are not for long term use. As some of these work by having an impact on catecholamine levels, sleeplessness, nervousness, and euphoria can be experienced. Now, OTC obviously refers to the fact that these are sold without prescription. But once they are launched in the market, then there is the FDA monitoring on it. There is a whole lot of debate on these OTC appetite suppressants on account of their safety and effectiveness and the FDA approval as well.
Suppressants that Work
Now comes the difficult part, deciding and choosing which one amongst all the products is really as effective as it is claimed to be. Before you go and check them out, speak with a concerned specialist about taking them. Many of them come in the form of diet pills.
This is perhaps one of the most popular ones in the market. It is primarily a diet pill that prevents the fat from being absorbed. Costing at around USD 40, this product seems to have helped people lose around 20 pounds in the period of around 6 to 12 months. The results and the reviews say that it is effective, though there are better options, like using natural remedies for weight loss.
One of the natural herbs, Hoodia, is the clear winner when it comes to such substances. Appetite suppressant pills having the basic ingredient as Hoodia are very effective according to what the reviews say. It prevents an individual from feeling hungry on account of the P57 molecules and this diet pill needs to be taken for a period of around 6 to 9 months. In that period it boasts of helping an individual reduce approximately 30 pounds and just at the cost of USD 25.
Akin to Proactol, this is helpful in weight loss by way of blocking fat absorption. It helps shedding off around 17 pounds in a time period of 6 months to a year. However, this needs a doctor’s prescription.
Zotrim is a pill comprising 3 herbs. It is touted to reduce the hunger and suppress a person’s appetite. A number of trials done on this medicine show that an average of 11 pounds is lost by an individual using this product in 6 weeks. It seems to working by way of slowing down the process of emptying of the stomach, helping a person feel fuller, longer than usual.
There a few more such over the counter appetite suppressants, but these are seemingly the best and most used and bought ones. Apart from these, it could be a good idea to try out natural appetite suppressant foods, for instance, apple, salmon, spicy food, green tea, coffee, and green leafy vegetables. These things perhaps will not work, but you can say for sure that there would not be any side effects either, which the above products do have to some extent.
One last thing, please do a thorough research and consult a specialist prior to taking these, as it is after all a matter of your health and well-being. Take Care!
Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.