The salt water flush diet can help eliminate a lot of built up toxins in your body, taking it back to a much healthier state after it has been detoxed. Let’s find out how you can start on this diet, and cleanse those filthy insides…
The salt water flush is very much like that of the master cleanse where the aim of both methods to rid the system of elements that have been nesting inside the body for a long while. There are many diets that entail a strict regimen that forces the body to undergo a makeover and restore itself to a more healthy state of being. Although not entirely safe a diet to try out on a long basis, it will serve your purpose well and clean out your system. The recommended time to stay within the diet’s outline is seven days, where you need to gradually cut down on the salt water intake without abruptly ceasing the diet all at once.
The type of salt recommended for this diet is ground based organic salt, that hasn’t been put through a process to make it come out iodized. The best part of this diet is that the salt water isn’t digested by the body because of the difference with the gravity of blood that doesn’t allow it to easily absorb the salt water’s content. As a result of this, it can be easily expelled from the body without you worrying about all that salt intake. Once you consume the salt water, you will notice bowel movements that will occur at least 3 to 7 times a day, which is very much possible depending on how the waste has accumulated.
About a liter of the salt water needs to be consumed which I know will make you go green in the face, but if taken in the right way it can lower the ugh factor. It may not be easy to consume a whole liter of salt water, but by downing a whole glass in one go you could save yourself the trouble of having to barf it all up at once. You’ll find help on how to go by this diet in an easy way, without having to force yourself to do this every morning in the paragraphs below.
Salt Water Flush Diet Rules
The benefits of the salt water flush are life changing, especially when considering the fact that you are getting rid of a huge amount of toxins from your body. To help make the experience less unpleasant, couple the salt water with freshly squeezed lemon juice and some crushed mint, to take the salty edge off. So let’s see what you’ll need to get started.
→ 1 liter of water (hot)
→ 1 large thermos to carry this in
→ 2 teaspoons of sea salt
→ a cup of lemon juice
→ 2 sprigs of mint
Preparation Instructions
Mix together your ingredients, making sure that the salt dissolves without leaving any solids behind. Crush the mint leaves or chop finely before including these. Then add in your lemon juice, letting a little of the pulp get through as well. Pour this into your thermos and carry it with you throughout the day, and make you finish it by day’s end. Once you begin the diet, consume a liter of this per day, for seven days only. Gradually deplete the amount of salt water you are ingesting when week 2 kicks in by reducing consumption to every other day and then from the third week, drink this every 3 days. From the fourth week, reduce it all the way down to just one liter only in that week, and then stop completely from week 5. Every 6 months, go on the salt water flush diet to help detoxify that system of yours from residing toxins.
Health Benefits of the Salt Water Flush
The benefits that you will bear witness to will come forth as you progress through the diet, where these will also be noticeable weeks after you get off the diet. These are the changes and improvements you will notice.
→ Sweat turns odorless helping those especially with bad B.O.
→ You’ll be able to see an overall change in appearance as the pounds melt off.
→ You’ll be able to sleep better at night.
→ Those who are extremely skinny will pack on a few healthy pounds.
→ Skin becomes radiant and clear, with complexion greatly improved.
→ Boosts not only one’s metabolism but immunity.
→ Diseases and illnesses that can be taken care of by the salt water flush are.
- Intestinal damage
- Chronic headaches
- Disease in the reproductive system
- Appendicitis
- Intestinal worms
- Urethral infection
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Irregular menstruation troubles
- Digestive tract inflammation
The salt water flush can help you, as you can see, with many ailments that tend to sprout up unannounced, or when lifestyle bad habits get the best of one’s system. Be sure to take care of how often you do this diet, and stick to the recommended 6 months gap. Consult a doctor, if you’re unsure about how to begin with this diet. Have a healthy tomorrow.