With nature and organic methods gaining a commercial upper hand these days, the demand for various brands of packaged spring water have gone up considerably in the recent times. Let’s take a look at what are some good spring water brands available.
Water, thou hast no taste, no color, no odor; canst not be defined, art relished while ever mysterious. Not necessary to life, but rather life itself, thou fillest us with a gratification that exceeds the delight of the senses. ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (from his memoir Wind, Sand, and Stars)
Indeed, water is the most essential natural building block of organic biology and its insufficiency in our systems may wreak havoc with our health and wellness. Then too, the right quality, containing the correct proportion of minerals and chemicals, is absolutely necessary for the continuance of a healthy life and vitality. Nowadays, a lot of attention is being paid towards maintaining nature-resembling quality of foods and edible items and we can see this phenomenon in all this hoopla over organic food and growing demand for spring water. Now, before we proceed towards checking out the spring water brands list, let’s get to know what spring water is all about and what is the reason behind it being catapulted to celebrity-hood among various other drinking water options these days.
What is Spring Water?
Water that is harvested from naturally occurring springs is known as spring water or mineral water. Often generically referred to as bottled water, spring water is somewhat different. Most bottled waters undergo various purification processes to remove impurities and minerals from them. However, the unique thing about spring water or mineral water is that a certain level of minerals are allowed to remain in the water as these minerals are considered beneficial when consumed. The water is bottled right from the source such as mineral rich mountain springs.
As such, mineral or spring water brands promise therapeutic benefits from their products. Most of the time, the surface spring water comes from other underground sources. It is ground water that has come to the surface and is free from pollutants as most pollutants contaminate water that is on the surface for a long time. Due to the presence of various naturally occurring minerals, spring water tastes somewhat different from other bottled or chlorinated water.
Although mostly referred to as mineral water, spring water and mineral water differ on one point – while spring water contains naturally occurring minerals in natural proportions, mineral water contains some added minerals and elements known as Total Dissolved Solids. Because it comes from underground sources where minerals and mineral based rocks abound, spring water often contains carbon dioxide bubbles and sodium carbonate. This gives the water a small degree of effervescence and such spring water is also known as sparkling water. You can refer to the Buzzle article on distilled water vs spring water to know the differences and comparative benefits of both.
Brands for Spring Water
The following list of spring water brands include some of the very well-known brands that bottle and market spring water. If you’re planning on including spring water in your life, you may choose a brand from the following list.
- Nature Spring Mineral Water
- Celtic Pure Natural Spring Water
- Pure NZ Mineral Water
- Spring Mineral Water
- Evian
- Crystal Geiser Spring Drinking Bottled Water
- Perrier Mineral Water
- Aqua Mountain Spring Water
- Aqua Delight
- Mineral Water Kniajevo
- Selex Natural Mineral Water
- Aqua Perla
- Life
- Blue Mountain
- Nestlé Arrowhead
- Nestlé Calistoga
- Nestlé Deer Park
- Nestlé Ice Mountain
- Nestlé Ozarka
- Nestlé Poland Spring
- Nestlé Zephyrhills
- Nestlé Montclair
- Nestlé Santa Maria
- Nestlé Santa Barbara
- Nestlé Eco de los Andes
- Nestlé Sainte-Alix
- Nestlé Aquarel
- Fürst Bismark
- Buxton
- Volvic Natural Spring Water
- Sparkling Ice Spring Water
- Talking Rain Spring Water
These are some good brands of spring water. Most Nestlé brands are available in many parts of the world including both the American continents, many European countries, a couple of African nations as well as various Asian countries. Most spring water brands are named as pure or mineral water and may create some confusion regarding whether or not they are sourced from natural springs. Therefore, when shopping for spring water, make sure to check the source mentioned on the water bottle to ascertain whether it is spring water or plain mineral water.