If you diet, be careful of tips and tricks that promise a fast weight loss. These rarely work and can be incredibly dangerous.
Crash diets can be extremely harmful to your health, and can cause ineffective weight loss. Most people who crash diet end up gaining the weight back because, instead of making a healthy change to their lifestyle, they starve themselves to lose the weight. As soon as they are finished dieting, they end up gaining the weight back. This can be terrible for your body, self-esteem, and overall health in many different ways.
What is Yo-yo Dieting?
Yo-yo dieting is extreme dieting. You generally lower your caloric intake so much that you are essentially starving yourself to lose the weight you want to lose. This might seem to work for the time being; of course, if you lower your caloric intake, you will lose weight. However, as soon as you go off of the diet and start eating again, you will gain the weight right back and maybe more.
What are the Dangers of Yo-yo Diets?
Depriving yourself of calories to the extent that you are basically starving yourself is dangerous, and there’s no way around it. At first, you might be proud of yourself for saying no to food, and you might feel really good about the pounds that seem to melt off of your body. However, not giving your body the proper amount of fuel to make it through the day can cause extreme tiredness or fatigue, and even depression. When you fail to make it through the day with your restricted caloric intake, you feel awful about yourself because you were unable to follow your arbitrary calorie guidelines. This lowering in self-esteem causes you to eat much more than you would even normally, and can cause you to put all that weight right back on and then some. When you deprive yourself of calories, you lose muscle first, which is not good. When you starve yourself, you also tend to gain back only fat, which makes you look even less toned than you might want to look. You are also at a much higher risk for problems such as high cholesterol, gallbladder disease, and high blood pressure.
What can I Do to Lose Weight Instead?
The dangers of obesity are similar to those of yo-yo dieting. High blood pressure, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, gallbladder disease, and arthritis are all side-effects of remaining overweight. However, because many of the problems associated with yo-yo diets are similar to those associated with obesity, crash dieting to lose weight is not any more effective than remaining obese. Therefore, it is recommended that people who want or need to lose weight make a healthy change in their lifestyles too instead of eating few calories a day. This can include adding an exercise program or simply increasing the amount of exercise you get per day. Take the stairs or park your car far away from your office. Get up and walk around or stretch during the day if you work at a desk. Go to the gym before work, so you are sure to get there. These are all great tips for adding activity to your daily routine. It can also help to restrict your calories, but not to the point where it’s severe enough that you’re starving yourself. Reducing your intake by just a few hundred calories a day can be helpful when coupled with an exercise program. Start monitoring what you eat throughout the day. If you go out to lunch during the workday, start bringing your lunch with you. This can save you calories and money. Of course, you should always consult a doctor before you start any diet or exercise program.