Coffee is a great source of caffeine which stimulates our central nervous system. Is consumption of caffeine pills better than coffee? Are there any side effects of caffeine pills? This article compares caffeine pills vs. coffee. Scroll down if you want to know the difference between caffeine pills and coffee…
A hot cup of coffee, especially when you are feeling drowsy, helps boost your energy levels. Caffeine acts on the central nervous system and works as a mild stimulant. Various studies have shown that caffeine when consumed in moderation, offers several health benefits. Coffee contains more caffeine than tea. These days, for the convenience of the consumers, various companies have started producing caffeine tablets and as always, consumers are confused about the benefits and side effects of these tablets. As we are going to compare caffeine pills with coffee, we would be able to know whether consumption of coffee is more beneficial than consumption of caffeine pills.
Difference between Caffeine Pills and Coffee
If you compare caffeine pills vs. coffee, then the very first difference between the two, that has to be taken into consideration is that coffee is made from natural coffee beans while caffeine pills are artificially produced and may contain some synthetic compounds. Some people are coffee addicts. Similarly, people who choose caffeine pills for weight loss are likely to become addicts of caffeine pills. Both coffee and caffeine pills have their own sets of advantages and disadvantages.
Health Benefits
Studies show that chances of developing of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia are very low for regular coffee drinkers. Consumption of coffee helps reduce the risk for certain cancers, arrhythmia and strokes. Coffee is loaded with the antioxidants called ‘polyphenols’. Antioxidants like chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, quinones, trigonelline, tocopherols and the mineral magnesium present in coffee help reduce the harmful effects of free radicals on the body and help prevent various diseases. Magnesium and chromium from coffee help increase body’s response to insulin and promote glucose metabolism. The antibacterial properties of coffee prevent infections which in turn help prevent dental cavities.
Roasting of coffee beans helps boost its antioxidant activity. As mentioned earlier, coffee stimulates the brain and the nervous system and makes you alert and energetic. It helps relieve headache. It lowers the risk of gallstone disease, it prevents cirrhosis of the liver and helps improve liver health. Coffee works great for heartburn and osteoporosis. Black coffee with lemon juice helps stop diarrhea. The amount of caffeine in coffee varies according to the type of coffee and the mode of brewing. Drip-brewed coffee contains about 100-135 mg caffeine per 8 ounce cup of coffee. The espresso comes with approximately 30 mg caffeine per ounce coffee. The instant one has about 95 mg caffeine per 8 ounce coffee.
Caffeine Pills
In the U.S. and Australia, caffeine pills are available as over the counter medicine. Caffeine is represented by the chemical formula C8H10N4O4. Most caffeine pills contain 100-150 mg of caffeine. Caffeine exhibits diuretic as well as psychoactive properties. Caffeine works as a muscle relaxant. It is used to treat migraines, asthma, common cold and various respiratory diseases (to reduce the drowsiness experienced during minor illnesses), etc. The pills help increase concentration levels and they also help enhance your mood. The person experiences less fatigue after taking caffeine pills. The diuretic properties of the pills help lose weight. It is believed that the pills help speed up your metabolism.
The pills also work as appetite suppressant. All these properties help lose weight. So people who want to lose weight fast opt for caffeine pills. Daily intake of about 250 mg caffeine is generally considered as safe for healthy adults. However, those who are sensitive to caffeine may experience harmful side effects after consuming less than 250 mg caffeine. People with tolerance to the drug tend to take more caffeine to enjoy energy effervescence. Consumption of large amounts of caffeine can result in harmful side effects.
Side Effects
Most health benefits of coffee are attributed to other useful elements present in coffee and not caffeine. Some studies show that pregnant women who consume too many cups of coffee every day, are at greater risk for miscarriage than the women who do not drink coffee at all. Chances of miscarriage are comparatively less for the women who drink coffee in moderation. More studies are required to prove this fact. As your body gets used it, you need more coffee to experience an energy boost. Thus, you become a coffee addict. Coffee may interfere with your routine medicines and can lead to health complications. Kids and children should refrain from coffee. They won’t be able to digest it properly.
Excessive consumption of coffee can affect the fertility of both men and women. A cup of coffee does not reduce the effects of alcohol (as is believed by people). Consuming large amounts of coffee can cause chronic sleeplessness, nervousness, restlessness, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, rapid heart rate and increased breathing rate. Excessive consumption of coffee can worsen the situation if the person is diagnosed with a heart disease. Consumption of unfiltered coffee can raise your blood cholesterol and fat levels. Excessive consumption of caffeine or caffeine rich coffee can increases pressure inside the eye, leading to glaucoma.
Caffeine Pills
Excessive consumption of caffeine can raise blood pressure. Caffeine consumption can also raise blood levels of epinephrine (the fight-or-flight chemical, also known as adrenaline). It may lead to constriction of blood vessels. Very large doses of caffeine can prove to be fatal. Excessive consumption of caffeine can result in heart tremors, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, stomach upset and numbness. Depending upon the sensitivity of a person towards the drug, 2-3 caffeine pills can cause caffeine toxicity. Too much of caffeine in the body can lead to extreme nervousness, increased irritability, unusual restlessness followed by a jittery feeling.
Excessive caffeine intake can cause headaches, depression and dizziness. In some cases caffeine has been held responsible for impotence in men and inability of women to conceive. Caffeine side effects include decreased insulin sensitivity and affected heart health. Increased urinary output can result in electrolyte imbalance. People who take caffeine pills regularly, need to reduce caffeine intake gradually. Otherwise they may have to face withdrawal symptoms like headaches, drowsiness, irritability, nausea, vomiting, etc.
According to The American Medical Association Council on Scientific Affairs, those who follow a healthy lifestyle are less likely to experience harmful side effects of tea or coffee as long as they drink tea or coffee in moderation. Excessive consumption of both coffee and caffeine pills can affect one’s health significantly.