Kids who are looking at making their careers in sports have to work towards it from the very beginning. The diet, vigorous practice to get that each shot or move right, or to reduce the lap time and so on, a lot of hard work goes into it. Besides all this, there is one thing that holds equal importance, and that is "diet". This article briefs about the diet for teenage athletes, since that forms the important aspect of an athlete’s life.
“Put down that junk, John! Gulp down that glass of protein shake and get going for your soccer practice.” shouted John’s mother. John’s mother is fed up with his irregular eating habits. She wants to see him become a famous soccer player, and John also strives for the same, no doubt. But this teen does not understand the importance of a healthy diet for teenage athletes. And to control his eating habits and nourish him with the right kind of food, she just loses it on him sometimes.
A lot of parents have a tough time getting their kids to eat the right food and excel in sports. Champions are born on the sports field, but a lot of training and practicing goes into their everyday life to attain that particular position. Teen athletes burn calories very quickly, because they are involved in strenuous activities all the time, hence their nutritional requirements are unique as compared to their less-active peers. As these teens are in their growing stage, and their body is still developing, it has to be nourished with plenty of nutritious foods, to make it strong and sustainable to promote athletic performance. Following a correct diet plan is necessary to support body growth and fitness, which is the basic foundation of an athletic body.
Diet for Teenage Girls
Teenage girls have their own eating problems. Most of them want to be lean and prefect looking. To achieve that lean figure, most are vulnerable to disordered eating habits. They skip their meals, resort to juices, and what not. When you are associated with some sport, it is important to eat right and stay fit, in order to enhance your performance on the field. Nutritional deficiencies may prevent their bone development, and they may also not be able to achieve their full height.
Wake Up To | A glass of warm water with black currants or lemon juice with honey, to cleanse your system. |
Breakfast | Include oatmeal or cornflakes in your breakfast. Make sure you include a fruit or a fruit juice along with good amount of nuts, rich in minerals and fibers. Whole wheat bread with peanut butter is also a good option. You can also have iron supplements, because a girl’s body requires to produce more blood as compared to the guys, due to the monthly loss of blood during their menstrual cycle. |
Lunch | Make sure you carry your lunch box, instead of eating at the cafeteria. Your lunch could include eggs, fish, meat, chicken, soy products and brown rice. Try to include grilled and baked foods, and avoid fried food stuff. You can also include a protein shake in your diet during the late noons, since calcium is another nutrient important in a girl diet. |
Dinner | Include brown rice, vegetables, whole wheat bread and yogurt. You can also include fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers. |
Diet for Teenage Guys
Following the right diet is the most important aspect of a young teenage athlete. Teenage guys have growing bodies and active lifestyles. Moreover, the competition on the sports field is tremendous. To keep up to all the above, a high nutritional diet is necessary. Given below are a few dietary tips that go for teenage athletes.
Wake Up To | A glass of warm water with black currants or lemon juice with honey, to cleanse your system. |
Breakfast | Include oatmeal or cornflakes in your breakfast. Make sure you include a fruit or a fruit juice along with good amount of nuts, rich in minerals and fibers. |
Lunch | Your lunch could include eggs, fish, meat, chicken, soy products and brown rice. Carry your lunch box if possible, instead of eating at the cafeteria. Try to include grilled and baked foods, and avoid fried food stuff. |
Dinner | Include brown rice, vegetables, whole wheat bread and yogurt. You can also include fruits rich in vitamins, minerals and fibers. |
Common Tips
- Consume plenty of water during the day. Not only does it hydrate your body but also regulates the internal temperature of the body. For teenagers, a specific intake of water cannot be prescribed, since teens tend to dehydrate themselves due to the intensity and frequency of activities they go through.
- Teenage athletes require umpteen number of calories as compared to normal teens, just to maintain their body energy needs and body weight. They may require 2500 to 5000 calories each day to performance at optimal level on the sports ground.
- Eat something like a high fiber energy bar or a small fruit, about 30 – 40 minutes before you hit the field or rehearsals.
- After the practice or a game, your work isn’t over, grab onto sparkling water to hydrate yourself, and treat your self with a small high carbohydrate meal within 2 hours.
Follow a strict diet and put in all the hard work to get your sport prefect, success then is definitely assured!