Whey protein exhibits several medicinal properties and offers numerous health benefits, but excessive consumption of whey protein supplement can result in serious side effects. Take a look at the pros and cons of whey protein presented in this article, if you are thinking of taking the supplement.
Regular consumption of whey protein helps achieve optimum health. It is the most sought after supplement, as it promotes weight loss and muscle gain. Whey protein is not a new product. Traditionally, it has been used by various communities since thousands of years. The protein is obtained as a by-product during the production of cheese.
It is popular in fitness enthusiasts around the world because it has the highest known levels of branched chain amino acids. No other natural food can be described as an excellent source of amino acids as whey protein. While learning the benefits of whey, one cannot ignore its dangers. If you are thinking of taking a supplement, you should first read the reviews that provide information on pros and cons of the supplement.
Benefits of Whey Protein
Quick and Easy Nourishment
Whey protein is a useful and easy snack for body-builders. Those who are interested in bodybuilding, need to eat some healthy food, every few hours. Eating 4-5 meals can be time-consuming and difficult. But consumption of whey protein is easy. It offers the necessary nutrients and the consumer can feel less filling than solid food. This keeps him more fit and active. Whey protein supplement is recommended to athletes and body-builders as it contains high levels of essential amino acids (EAAs), branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) like leucine and cysteine.
It promotes protein synthesis and muscle growth. It also promotes production of antioxidant glutathione that displays anti-cancer properties. The protein helps prevent cancer and boosts the immune system of cancer patients. It helps strengthen the immune system of normal people as well. It is recognized as ‘fast protein’ as it provides quick nourishment to the muscles.
Weight Loss
Whey protein contains negligible fat and cholesterol. Moreover, amino acids from the protein supplement promote fat loss, and improve the shape of your body. Regular consumption of this protein helps maintain weight, provided you follow a balanced diet.
Overall Health Improvement
Consumption of whey protein reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It helps fight high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol levels in the body. It improves your memory and cognitive performance. Owing to its easy and fast digestibility, it can be given to severely ill patients who cannot consume food due to loss of appetite, or some other reasons. It helps boost energy levels.
It improves your performance under stress. Consumption of this protein after the workout prevents build up of cortisol which can affect muscle growth. The protein prevents immature aging and promotes healthy aging. It can also be given to infants for healthy growth and development. It is present in baby food formulas. It is also helpful for rapid healing of wounds. It helps fight food allergies and promotes body detoxification.
Dangers of Whey Protein
Excessive consumption of whey protein over a long period can lead to several health issues.
- Over consumption of protein by body builders may result in gout.
- Consumers of whey are more likely to develop osteoporosis, as it creates an imbalance of vitamins and minerals in the body.
- Those who are diagnosed with protein intolerance may suffer from abundance of mucus build up and breathing difficulty (sinuses symptoms) after consumption of this protein.
- Lactose intolerant people may suffer from adverse reactions on consumption of whey. The protein can cause stomach ache, diarrhea, cramping, sneezing, itching and rashes.
- Liver disorders or even liver failure can be experienced by a person who is consuming whey protein for years. Liver works as a filtration plant and hence, may get damaged due to excessive intake of whey.
- Serious kidney problems, even kidney failure can be experienced after consumption of this protein over a long period. As kidneys filter the blood and fluids, excessive amount of whey can affect kidney health seriously.
- Since you were looking for pros and cons of whey protein, here is another important point. Excessive consumption of whey by children may result in nausea, headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite and cramps and even blood in the stool.
It can be safely concluded that using whey protein in moderation is fine. But for non active people, or for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, it can only do harm. The basic principle behind reaping the benefits of whey protein is that it should be utilized completely, and excreted from the system. If you don’t burn off the protein, it may cause kidney and liver damage over time. It is imperative to consult a physician before opting for any supplement, and you should always take the recommended dose of supplement for recommended days only.